The best part of having moved to the new house is I have started sticking to timings. I have decided to use the BTP bus service to and fro and hence I have regular working hours now.. Atleast for the past one month, I have been able to stick to the routine. The part I enjoy the most in that is that the time I spent in the commute, I am able to use for reading.. I have never been able to find a regular time to read ever since Govind was born.. there were weeks together when I couldnt lay my hands on a book and grew really frustrated.. But now, though it is not much time, I am able to spend some time regularly to read... It makes my whole day more pleasant...
So I finished "Mathurapuri" this way... Translation of K.M.Munshi's "Krishnavatara II : The Wrath of an Emperor".. A very pleasant and interesting read.. The origiinal English version must have been a really good one and translation is also done very well.. I never felt like keeping the book down before finishing but then I had to..From my search on the internet, looks like all 8 parts of Krishnavatara are not translated to Malayalam... So I guess I have to read the English versions only since I badly want to read the rest of it...
The second book I finished is "Afterwards" by Jaishree Mishra... A simple light weight read.. A good book to finish in a travel.. I enjoyed the way it is written and also the story.. But looking at her website, are all her books dealing with unhappy marriages??
So now the third one is the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The first book of the millenium trilogy by Steig Larsson. I had never heard about this book until Anurag got a set of books including this one for me.. Search on the internet showed that the reviews are really great.. So I have reached around one fifth of the book and I have started wishing that my bus journeys are longer.. One of the reviews said the by page 15 the reader was sure he wanted to read it fully. I didnt feel it at page 15 but at page 140, I really didnt want to break reading when my bus reached office today.. Waiting badly for evening :-)
So I finished "Mathurapuri" this way... Translation of K.M.Munshi's "Krishnavatara II : The Wrath of an Emperor".. A very pleasant and interesting read.. The origiinal English version must have been a really good one and translation is also done very well.. I never felt like keeping the book down before finishing but then I had to..From my search on the internet, looks like all 8 parts of Krishnavatara are not translated to Malayalam... So I guess I have to read the English versions only since I badly want to read the rest of it...
The second book I finished is "Afterwards" by Jaishree Mishra... A simple light weight read.. A good book to finish in a travel.. I enjoyed the way it is written and also the story.. But looking at her website, are all her books dealing with unhappy marriages??
So now the third one is the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The first book of the millenium trilogy by Steig Larsson. I had never heard about this book until Anurag got a set of books including this one for me.. Search on the internet showed that the reviews are really great.. So I have reached around one fifth of the book and I have started wishing that my bus journeys are longer.. One of the reviews said the by page 15 the reader was sure he wanted to read it fully. I didnt feel it at page 15 but at page 140, I really didnt want to break reading when my bus reached office today.. Waiting badly for evening :-)